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Praiseworthy Remembrance

Updated: Nov 29, 2023

Today's lead is from Philippians 4:8 NKJV

"Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy - meditate on these things."

Today's lead Word encourages us to develop a habit of always meditating on the good reports the Lord has done, the just, the noble, the true, the pure, the lovely and every other small detail of your life that is praise worthy. It is important to meditate on these things during good times and even more important to meditate on them during uncertain times because with the LORD, on our side we have hope and are guaranteed of His victory. Despite Apostle Paul's physical confinement in prison at the time, he speaks of joy because he understood that what he saw around him was temporary because of who was in Him - Christ the hope of glory and in Philippians 4:13, he says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".

The LORD used Paul as a witness to display his power building up to a track record of God's goodness and mercy which included, the people who had become born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit as a result of Paul's prayers and preaching (Galatians 2); the sick that were healed with handkerchiefs that touched his body (Acts 19); the mercy that God showed him on his way to Damascus by sparing his life instead of judging him for killing believers (Acts 9); the prison doors that God miraculously opened for him and Silas as they were praising him at midnight after their arrest (Acts 16). I believe meditating on these good reports and praise worthy things gave Paul hope during the times he was imprisoned. He further encourages all of us to be joyful at all times and in Philippians 4:4 he says, "Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!"

Friend, maybe you have reason to rejoice and its easier to meditate on these things because all is well and I celebrate with you and cover your testimony in the blood of Jesus Christ.

Or maybe you are experiencing something right now that is unpleasant which makes it completely difficult to have joy yet alone meditate on the things above. I encourage you to present it to the LORD in prayer (1 Peter 5:5 encourages us to cast our cares on the LORD because He cares for us) as you wait on your breakthrough because God's word is true, He is love, He is faithful and with Him on your side, the victory is guaranteed.

In the meantime, as the Word today encourages us, may you be empowered by the Holy Spirit with the strength for each day to rejoice at all times and meditate on His goodness, mercy, love, provision, protection and anything praise worthy that the LORD has already accomplished in your life from when you were born to this day!

I'll end with the LORD's Word in Isaiah 49:15 that read,

15."Can a woman forget her nursing child,

And not have compassion on the son of her womb?

Surely, they may forget,

Yet I will not forget you.

16.See, I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands;

Your walls are continually before me."


Invitation to the LORD's righteousness or to re commit your life to Christ: If you would like to know this God who from the beginning of creation has always wanted you to be reunited and restored in relationship with who empowers you with the strength by the Holy Spirit to rejoice through all seasons, who loves you with an everlasting love before you ever loved Him and has given you eternal life through the faith of His one and only Son, Jesus Christ - whose faithful promises are yes and amen, I invite you to make this confession, "I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that; Jesus Christ, the Son of God came in a human body to die for my sins so that I could have a new life where I am dead to sin and alive to God. I repent of my past sins and enter the Kingdom of light where I choose Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour today and forever."

Congratulations, by grace you are saved and are now a new creation in Christ Jesus. The old life has passed away and you have received the free gift of salvation into your life (2 Corinthians 5:17). To the glory of the Almighty God. Amen.

As a new believer, I urge you to let your Pastor know that you took the confession of faith or if you don't have one, become a part of a church. I also encourage you to get water baptised as soon as possible and get yourself a physical copy of the Bible or download the Bible app on your mobile in case you don't already own one! If you have taken the confession of faith and would also like a physical copy of the Bible, please send us an email at with your address. We would love to hear your story. GOD BLESS.

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