Jesus Christ, The perfect love story
Updated: Feb 16, 2022
As it is written;
What can separate us from the love of the Almighty God?
Our Maker, Our Lover;
I am blessed!
For God so loved the world that He sent us His Son, Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever.
Oh the integrity of His love;
I am in love!
He came to earth in a human body to experience what it means to be human like us.
He was acquainted with grief, was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities and died for us on the cross;
I am healed!
His blood that cleanses away our past sins and makes us new;
I am whole!
He set us free because He that the Son sets free is free indeed;
I am saved!
He who has been consistent from when the foundations of the earth were laid.
The One who says and it is;
I am in love!
He tells of the future before it happens.
Our Shepherd always leading us.
Our true Vine who prunes and prepares us for the future;
I am glad!
The One who shall never fail us because He cannot deny Himself;
Oh what love!
He gives us a name that is above all names and witnesses who have experienced His faithfulness surround us;
Oh what joy!
When our minds and imperfection trip us up, we repent and He reminds us that there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus;
And His patience welcomes us back to His loving arms;
I am in awe of this kind of love!
We are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus seated with Him in heavenly places with access to every spiritual blessing in heaven.
Oh what perfect love!
Nothing can separate us from the perfect love of God;
Made alive in us through His Word - Jesus Christ;
It is finished.